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Monday 28 September 2020


Top 11 earning websites in the world live online |Articles Place

Top 11 earning websites in the world live online|Articles Place

hey, what's up everybody chad Bennett here and today I'm really excited because I'm going to be showing you 10different websites that you can use to go ahead and start creating an income for yourself the applications on your smartphone or via the web, these are these applications and these websites require no college degree no high school degree they require no technical knowledge, you can go ahead and start putting money in your pocket today, these are 100% legitimate.

I have an investigation.edall of them and they do pay and I'm just really excited to get this information out to you you want to make a point here that I am going to this is going to be a10 Articles series as well so they will be 10 different Articles so please look for those and let's go ahead and jump on into this hey how's it going everybody had Bennett here and today

 I'm super excited because I'm gonna be showing you not only one but two different websites that you can go ahead and utilize to go ahead and start creating an income for yourself online from the comfort of your own home and I'm gonna show you how you can actually start creating an income just by speaking out of your mouth so let's go ahead and jump into this I think you guys are gonna really like this it's super simple and I'm gonna show you two different hacks at the end of this Article.

 So I want to make sure you stick around till the end because I'm going to show you two hacks to greatly improve your efficiency and also improve your grammar so anyone that's worried about their grammar skills out there doesn't worry I got to 100% free hacks that you can go ahead and use to really make this super simple for you guys so let's gone ahead and jump on into this so the first website that I actually want to direct your attention to is our website called scribble command you can get to this, 

website by typing scribble calm in your search browser up here and pressing enter and it'll take you directly to this page I'm also going to go ahead and leave a link to this website in the Last of this Article that way you can go ahead and just click that and it'll take you directly to this page that way it makes it nice and easy for you to get you so when you arrive here. 

What you're going to notice is that it says transcribe your audio and video files so basically what this company does is Connect transcribers with individuals that have audio and video files that need to be transcribed into text and so I'm gonna show you a really neat way like I said at the end of this article to go ahead and just by speaking out of your mouth convert these audio files into text format I also was reading through here and they provide you with software that actually transcribes a lot of this a lot of these audio and video files are all ready for you.

And all you need to do is actually go in there and put the punctuation in and make sure things are capitalized in space correctly and that's where I'm gonna my other hack comes in where it actually corrects grammar for you so literally you can get this done pretty much on autopilot you guys just got to be able to go ahead and guide and direct some of the output that scurvy gives you so the way that you get started with this is if you come down the page here.

You're gonna see at the bottom here an apply Now button and basically, what it runs you through is you submit an application you're gonna take an online test, and then you're gonna go ahead and start earning per audio hour so every hour that you're converting audio and video into the text they're gonna go ahead and start paying you one other thing that you're going to want to make sure that you have is a PayPal account a legitimate PayPal account because they deposit your earnings directly into your PayPal account and you can take the money from your PayPal account and deposit that directly into a bank account so 100 percent legit 100 percent easy and this is really cool you.

Guys if you go ahead and hit the Apply Now button it takes you to another page and if you have more questions it breaks literally everything down for you so you can understand exactly what you're going to be doing and exactly how you're going to be getting paid so let's go ahead and jump over to the other website that I want to introduce you to that you can go ahead and get paid for talking out of your mouth so the second website that I want to introduce you to is called clear voice and you can get here by typing clear voice calm into your search browser and pressing I'm also going to go ahead and leave a link at the End of this Article. 

That way you can click that and it makes it nice and simple for you to navigate to the page that I'm on right here so once you arrive here what you're going to notice is that what clear voice does is it connects freelance writers with some rather large big brand companies and to go ahead and start producing content and writing articles and doing some creative writing for them so the way that you get started is you navigate down the page here a little further to where it says for freelancers and you're gonna click right here.

 Where it says learn more and once you click that that's going to navigate to this page and what you're gonna do is you're going to enter your first and last name here and you're gonna click get started and once you click that it's going to take you to another page we're gonna go ahead and start building your profile and submit some content to them that you've written in the past so they can go ahead and rate you and to start connecting you with these brands.

So that you can go ahead and start creating content for them so if you actually go ahead and navigate down the page a little bit further here it kind of describes exactly what's going to be happening here so you're gonna be building your own personal brand as a freelancer and the better that you do and the more time that you spend doing this and the better that you get they're gonna you're gonna secure better jobs and actually go ahead and start making more and more money with the clear voice you can set your own rate and you decide what you want to get paid and you can also set your range to see your assignments.

That is relevant to you you can easily communicate with clients they have an in-app messaging that allows you to chat with clients at any point in the creative process this way it cuts down on emails and really helps you manage your time better and the way that you're gonna get paid quickly is using PayPal so again you want to make sure that you have a PayPal account set up so that you can go ahead and receive payment so if you come down the page just a little further here clear voice breaks down their two biggest questions and they answer it very clearly and that is how to do I get assignments.

How do I get paid so I'm not gonna actually read through all this if you want to you can read through this but they do a very good job of answering these two questions the one thing that I will touch on is in the how do I get paid section they stress that you need to have a PayPal account and upon completion of your assignment that's where they're going to get that what they're going to that's.

 Where they're going to be paying you and then down here at the bottom they want to make sure that you are getting paid on time so that is those are two things that I think that are really cool because obviously everybody wants to get paid on time and that's what they strive to do so I promised you at the end of this video I was going to show you two really cool hacks that you can use to go ahead and greatly improve your efficiency so you can type faster and I'm also going to show you how you can increase your skills and grammar very quickly and both of these things can bedone 100% free.

 So if you're worried about your ability to type and/or your grammar skills these are a couple things that you're going to want to go ahead and make sure that you pay attention to so let's go ahead and jump on into that the first one that I want to show you is called Google Docs and this is what you're going to be using to actually go ahead and speak out of your mouth and convert your words to text and this is 100% free so what you're gonna do is gonna go to google and you're going to type in Google Docs and I'll leave a link to this in the description as well and when you arrive at this webpage.

What you're gonna do is you're gonna click on go to Google Docs and when you click that it's going to open up this page and you're gonna click on where it says blank right here once that opens up where you're gonna navigate to where it says tools and then you're gonna click on voice typing so what you're gonna do when you arrive here is you're gonna click right here on this microphone icon and when you click on that it usually prompts you if this is the first time that you're actually using this it's gonna prompt you with do you want to enable your microphone you want to make sure that you click yes because that's gonna enable the microphone on a personal computer that you're using. 

So that way as you're speaking you can be typing and if you notice over here to the right it's actually typing out everything that I'm saying so you can see just how quickly you can actually be typing and creating content for those two websites that I showed you so this is really neat this is 100% free and you can use this every day for free the next website that I want to show you that is a really cool tool that you can be used to go ahead and correct any of the problems that you might have with grammar is this website called Grammarly.

 So if you come to Grammarly you can get here by typing in Grambling command your search bar or just googling Grammarly and when you get here what you'll notice is that what graham Lee is is it's a DIN to Google Chrome and wherever you're typing whether it's for email messages Outlook documents Google Docs anything like that wherever you're typing the plug-in for Google Chrome for Grammarly is going to, for example, be constantly monitoring what you're typing and be correcting your grammar for you and this all happens on autopilot you guys and then it has suggestions that pop down for anything that doesn't look right or sound right and then you can see there it's automatically correcting all this for you so super simple really easy things to do here and virtually creates all this on autopilot. 

So that there's a lot less thinking about your grammar and stuff and you can really immerse yourself into some creating creative writing as a freelancer or transcribing those audio files that we were talking about earlier however if you're anything like me and you're really ambitious and you want to grow a real online business that can have the potential to grow anywhere into the six-figure range I'm gonna go ahead and direct you over to my website.

If you come down here and look in the description again I'm gonna leave a link where it says my number one recommendation to make a fulltime income online this is where you want to click you guys so that you can go directly to my website and when you get there what you're gonna provide is your name and email address I'm gonna go ahead and send you out a free video and help you get started creating a six-figure online income business where is honestly is this is where the money's at this is where you want to get started I have a whole team of individuals that are waiting to help you get started click there go ahead and put your name email address in getting started today also want to ask that if you found this Article to have any valuable content to you please make sure that you come over here hit that like button and also click the subscribe button that's usually down here nice big red button that says subscribe. 

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